Research @ Marine Studies - SMS Publications


Carreras C, Pascual M, Tomás J, A. Marco, S. Hochsheid, J. J. Castillo, P. Gozalbes, M. Parga, S. Piovano and L. Cardona. (2018) Sporadic nesting reveals long distance colonisation in the philopatric loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). Scientific Reports 8, 1435. DOI ( USP Rank A*


Ford A, Eich A, McAndrews R, Mangubhai S, Nugues M, Bejarano S, Moore B, Rico C, Wild C, Ferse S (2017). Evaluation of coral reef management effectiveness using conventional versus newly developed monitoring metrics Ecological Indicators. DOI ( USP Rank A

Marie, A. D., C. Miller, C. Cawich, S. Piovano, and C. Rico. 2017. Fisheries-independent surveys identify critical habitats for young scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in the Rewa Delta, Fiji. Scientific Reports 7:17273. DOI ( USP Rank A*

Yeeting AD, Weikard H-P, Bailey M, Ram-Bidesi V. & Bush SR (2017). Stabilising cooperation through pragmatic tolerance: the case of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) tuna fishery. Regional Environmental Change, 1-13, ( USP Rank A

Cunha, V., P. Rodrigues, M. M. Santos, P. Moradas-Ferreira and M. Ferreira (2018). “Fluoxetine modulates the transcription of genes involved in serotonin, dopamine and adrenergic signalling in zebrafish embryos.” Chemosphere 191(Supplement C): 954-961. Published online on 5th Nov 2017. DOI ( USP Rank A

Marie AD,  Smith, S, Green, AJ, Rico C, and Lejeusne C (2017) Transcriptomic response to thermal and salinity stress in introduced and native sympatric Palaemon caridean shrimps. Scientific Reports 7, 13980. DOI  doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13631-6USP Rank A*

Edgar GJ, Alexander TJ, Lefcheck JS, Bates, AE, Kininmonth SJ, Thomson RJ, Duffy, JE, Costello MJ and Stuart-Smith RD (2017). Abundance and local-scale processes contribute to multi-phyla gradients in global marine diversity. Science Advances 3 (10): e1700419. DOI (http://10.1126/sciadv.1700419) USP Rank A*

van Putten, I. E., S. Jennings, A. J. Hobday, R. H. Bustamante, L. X. Dutra, S. Frusher, E. A. Fulton, M. Haward, É. Plagányi and L. Thomas (2017). “Recreational fishing in a time of rapid ocean change.” Marine Policy 76: 169-177. ( USP Rank A

Newell, A., and Nuttall, P., and Prasad, B.C., & Veitayaki, J. (2017). Turning the Tide: the need for sustainable sea transport in the Pacific. Marine Policy, 75, 249-259 DOI ( USP Rank A

Badosa A, Frisch D, Green AJ, Rico C, & Gómez A (2017) Isolation mediates persistent founder effects on zooplankton colonisation in new temporary ponds. Scientific Reports 7, 43983. DOI (http://10.1038/srep43983) USP Rank A*

Cunha, V., K. Burkhardt-Medicke, P. Wellner, M. M. Santos, P. Moradas-Ferreira, T. Luckenbach and M. Ferreira (2017). Effects of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) on multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) related efflux transporter activity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 136: 14-23. (  USP Rank B

Sutherland, BJG, RICO, C, Audet, C, Bernatchez L (2017) Sex chromosome evolution, heterochiasmy and physiological QTL in the salmonid Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) (2017). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 7(8):2749-2762. DOI (http://10.1534/g3.117.040915) USP Rank B

Dutra, L. X., P. Bayliss, S. McGregor, P. Christophersen, K. Scheepers, E. Woodward, E. Ligtermoet and L. F. Melo (2017). “Understanding climate-change adaptation on Kakadu National Park, using a combined diagnostic and modelling framework: a case study at Yellow Water wetland.” Marine and Freshwater Research. ( USP Rank B

Rico C, Cuesta JA, Drake P, Macpherson E, Marie DA (2017) Null alleles are ubiquitous at microsatellite loci in the Wedge Clam (Donax trunculus). PeerJ 5:e3188; DOI (http://10.7717/peerj.3188) USP Rank B

Cunha, V., M. M. Santos, P. Moradas-Ferreira, L. F. C. Castro and M. Ferreira (2017). “Simvastatin modulates gene expression of key receptors in zebrafish embryos.” Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: 1-12. ( USP Rank B

Cardeñosa D., Glaus K.B. & Brunnschweiler J.M. (2017) Occurrence of juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in the Navua River in Fiji. Marine and Freshwater Research 68, 592-7. DOI ( USP Rank B

Piovano S. & Gilman E., (2017). Elasmobranch captures in Fijian longline fishery. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27: 381-393.DOI (http://10.1002/ Rank B

Piovano S. & Swimmer Y. (2017). Effects of a hook ring on catch and bycatch in a Mediterranean swordfish longline fishery: small addition with potentially large consequences. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27: 372-380. DOI (http://10.1002/ Rank B

Thaman, B., R. R. Thaman, A. Balawa and J. Veitayaki (2017). “The Recovery of a Tropical Marine Mollusk Fishery: A Transdisciplinary Community-Based Approach in Navakavu, Fiji.” Journal of Ethnobiology 37(3): 494-513.DOI ( USP Rank B

Veitayaki, J., V. Waqalevu, R. Varea and N. Rollings (2017). Mangroves in Small Island Development States in the Pacific: An Overview of a Highly Important and Seriously Threatened Resource. Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate, Springer: 303-327.DOI (  USP Rank B

Gard AR and Veitayaki J. (2017). “In The Wake Of Winston–Climate Change, Mobility And Resiliency In Fiji.” International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 7(2): 157-168. DOI (http://10.2495/SAFE-V7-N2-157-168) Unranked

Hewavitharane.C.A, Pickering. T, Rico. C, Mohioka. N. (2017) Species identification and morphological differences of anguillid glass eels recruiting to Viti Levu Island of Fiji in the western South Pacific. Aquaculture Science. Vol. 64, (4): 357−366 DOI ( Unranked


Marie A.D, Lejeusne C., Karapatsiou E., Cuesta J.A., Drake P., Macpherson E., Bernatchez L. & Rico C. (2016) Population genetic structure of the wedge clam Donax trunculus across two biogeographic boundaries – Implications for management and conservation. Scientific Reports 6. ( doi: 10.1038/srep39152 A*

Gilman E., Chaloupka M., Swimmer Y. & Piovano S. (2016). A cross-taxa assessment of pelagic longline by-catch mitigation measures: conflicts and mutual benefits to elasmobranchs. Fish and Fisheries 17:748-784.  A*

Santos, L. H. M., Ramalhosa, J., Ferreira M., & Delerue-Matos C. (2016). Development of a modified acetonitrile-based extraction procedure followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of psychiatric drugs in sediments. Journal of Chromatography A, 1437, 37–48. A*

Rocha, A. C. S., Reis-Henriques, M. A., Galhano, V., Ferreira M. & Guimarães L. (2016). Toxicity of seven priority hazardous and noxious substances (HNSs) to marine organisms: Current status, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Science of the Total Environment 542, Part A: 728-749. USP Rank A

Clusa M., Carreras C., Pascual M., Gaughran S.J., Piovano S., Avolio D., Ollano G., Fernandez G., Tomas J., Raga J.A., et al. (2016). Potential bycatch impact on distinct sea turtle populations is dependent on fishing ground rather than gear type in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 163. doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2875-1 USP Rank A

Sheaves M., Sporne I., Dichmont C.M., Bustamante R., Dale P., Deng R., Dutra L.X.C., van Putten I., Savina-Rollan M. & Swinbourne A. (2016). Principles for operationalizing climate change adaptation strategies to support the resilience of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: An Australian perspective. Marine Policy 68:229-240. USP Rank A

Yeeting, A. D., Bush, S. R., Ram-Bidesi, V. & Bailey M. (2016). Implications of new economic policy instruments for tuna management in the Western and Central Pacific. Marine Policy 63, 45-52. DOI ( USP Rank A

Cunha V., Rodrigues P., Santos M., Moradas-Ferreira P. & Ferreira M. (2016) Danio rerio embryos on Prozac–Effects on the detoxification mechanism and embryo development. Aquatic Toxicology 178, 182-9. A

Cunha V., Santos M., Moradas-Ferreira P. & Ferreira M. (2016) Simvastatin effects on detoxification mechanisms in Danio rerio embryos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 10615-29.

doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-6547-y B

Brown K.T., Seeto J., Lal M.M. & Miller C.E. (2016) Discovery of an important aggregation area for endangered scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, in the Rewa River estuary, Fiji Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology 22, 242-8. B

Remling E. & Veitayaki, J. (2016) Community-based action in Fiji’s Gau Island: a model for the Pacific? International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 8 (3). Not ranked. ISSN 1756-8692.

Sheaves M., Sporne I., Dichmont C. M., Bustamante R., Dale P., Deng R., Dutra L.X.C., van Putten I., Savina-Rollan M. & Swinbourne A. (2016). Principles for operationalizing climate change adaptation strategies to support the resilience of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: An Australian perspective. Marine Policy 68:229-240. A

Bayliss P., Saunders K., Dutra L.X., Melo L.F., Hilton J., Prakash M. & Woolard F. (2016) Assessing sea level-rise risks to coastal floodplains in the Kakadu Region, northern Australia, using a tidally driven hydrodynamic model. Marine and Freshwater Research. B

Dichmont C.M., Dutra L.X., Owens R., Jebreen E., Thompson C., Deng R.A., van Putten E.I., Pascual R., Dambacher J.M. & Warne M.S.J. (2016) A generic method of engagement to elicit regional coastal management options. Ocean & Coastal Management 124, 22-32. B

Dutra L.X., Dichmont C.M., van Putten I.E., Thébaud O., Deng R.A., Pascual R., Owens R., Jebreen E., Thompson C. & Warne M.S.J. (2016) How important is the coast? A survey of coastal objectives in an Australian regional city. Marine Policy 71, 229-41 USP Rank A

Hobday A.J., Cochrane K., Downey-Breedt N., Howard J., Aswani S., Byfield V., Duggan G., Duna E., Dutra L.X. & Frusher S.D. (2016) Planning adaptation to climate change in fast-warming marine regions with seafood-dependent coastal communities. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 249-64. USP Rank A


Moeseneder C., Dutra L., Thebaud O., Ellis N., Boschetti F., Tickell S., Dichmont C., de la Mare W., Pascual R. & Cannard T. (2015) A simulation interface designed for improved user interaction and learning in water quality modelling software. Environmental Modelling & Software 70, 86-96. USP Rank A

Glaus K.B., Adrian-Kalchhauser I., Burkhardt-Holm P., White W.T. & Brunnschweiler J.M. (2015) Characteristics of the shark fisheries of Fiji. Scientific Reports 5.

doi:  10.1038/srep17556 A*

Rico C., Drake P., Macpherson E. & Cuesta JA. (2015). Estimación de la diversidad genética y del tamaño efectivo de la población de coquina Donax trunculus del Parque Nacional de Doñana y su contribución a áreas no protegidas. In Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: convocatoria 2011-2014. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Madrid Spain. Unranked

Dutra L.X., Thébaud O., Boschetti F., Smith A.D. & Dichmont C.M. (2015) Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine resource decisions: Participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management. Ocean & Coastal Management 116, 382-95. B

Ram-Bidesi V. (2015). Recognizing the role of women in supporting marine stewardship in the Pacific Islands. Marine Policy 59:1-8. USP Rank A

Brandariz-Fontes C., Camacho-Sanchez M., Vilà C., Vega-Pla J.L., Rico C. & Leonard, J.A. (2015) Effect of the enzyme and PCR conditions on the quality of high-throughput DNA sequencing results. Scientific Reports 5.

doi:  10.1038/srep08056 USP Rank A*


Kitolelei, J., Torii, T., Veitayaki, J. (2014). Challenges in Managing Fishing Boundaries in Fiji-A Comparison of Veivatuloa and Nakawakawa Fishing Boundaries, Journal of Regional Fisheries, Vol. 54, 25-43. Not ranked

Lejeusne C., Latchere O., Petit N., Rico C. & Green A.J .(2014). Do invaders always perform better? Comparing the response of native and invasive shrimps to temperature and salinity gradients in southwest Spain. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 136: 102-111. USP Rank A

Lejeusne C., Saunier A., Petit N., Beguer M., Otani M.J., Carlton T., Rico C. & Green A.J. (2014). High genetic diversity and absence of founder effects in a worldwide aquatic invader. Scientific Reports 4. A*

Munoz J., Gomez A., Figuerola J., Amat F., Rico C. & Green A.J. (2014). Colonization and dispersal patterns of the invasive American brine shrimp Artemia franciscana (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in the Mediterranean region. Hydrobiologia 726(1): 25-41. B

Holland, E., Nuttall, P., Newell, A., Prasad, B., Veitayaki, J., Bola A. & Kaitu’u J. (2014). “Connecting the dots: policy connections between Pacific Island shipping and global CO2 and pollutant emission reduction.” Carbon Management 5: 93-105. B

McMillen H., Ticktin T., Friedlander A., Jupiter S., Thaman R., Campbell J., Veitayaki J., Giambelluca T., Nihmei S. & Rupeni E. (2014) Small islands, valuable insights: systems of customary resource use and resilience to climate change in the Pacific. Ecology and Society 19. USP Rank A

South, G.R., S. Bala, C. Morris, P. Chand, L. Limalevu, J. Veitayaki and C. Wilkinson (2014). Global Changes and Capacity Building in Coral Reef Management in the Pacific: Engaging scientists and policy makers in Fiji, Samoa, Tuvalu and Tonga. Ocean Yearbook 28: 195-206.

DOI: 10.1163/22116001-02801008 Not Ranked

Nuttall, P., Newell, A., Prasad, B., Veitayaki, J. and Holland, E. (2014) “A review of sustainable sea-transport for Oceania: Providing context for renewable energy shipping for the Pacific”.  Marine Policy Vol. 43, 283-287. Rank A


Buhadi Y.A., Kobari T., Kawai K., Yamamoto T., Suzuki H., Nishimura S., Torii T. & Veitayaki J. (2013) Food Availability for Particle-Feeding Bivalves, Anadara spp., in Fiji1. Pacific Science 67, 539-51. B

Prasad, B., Veitayaki, J., Holland, E. Nuttall, P. Newell, A., Bola, A. & Kaitu’u, J. (2013) “Sustainable Sea Transport Research Programme: Toward a Research-based Programme of Investigation for Oceania”.  Journal of Pacific Studies (33) 78-95. B

Rico C., Normandeau E., Dion-Côté A.-M., Rico M.I., Côté G. & Bernatchez L. (2013) Combining next-generation sequencing and online databases for microsatellite development in non-model organisms. Scientific Reports 3.

doi:  10.1038/srep03376  A*

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