Multifactor Authentication

Due to advances in Internet technologies, the security around authentication is now a very important challenge for USP.

USP assets are at risk against people trying to impersonate users and stealing information elevating the need for additional security in authentication. Currently, authentication with your USP username and password is used to access ICT services to identify whether a person is a genuine USP user or not.

USP is introducing multi factor authentication (MFA) as an additional piece of information and process to authenticate and verify the identity of a user requesting access to USP ICT environments that are contain important USP assets and services. The goal of MFA within USP’s online and mobile space, is to reduce instances of online fraud & identity theft by using multi factor to identify a user.

Staff are requested to learn about Multi factor authentication through the following video.

Specific to USP, IT Services will introduce multi factor authentication with a verification application that will be required to be installed on staff mobile phones. Upon attempting to access an ICT application (e.g. Moodle) that requires authentication, the following authentication process is initiated:

  1. Staff will be notified on their computer with a verification number and to enter this on their verification application installed on their mobile
  2. An alert will appear on the verification application on the staff mobile phone that an attempt has been made to access using their USP account and to verify the access by entering the displayed number on their computer
  3. Once the number is entered successfully, the authentication is verified successfully and access is  allowed to the application
  4. All other applications that require authentication will then be allowed without verification

USP will be implementing phased rollout of MFA to the following group of users:

  1. All USP users who have privileged access including application and systems administrators
  2. All USP users that hold critical roles and functions on USP’s management information systems that include Finance, HR and Student data
  3. All USP users in critical business units

As USP finalizes its developments on multi factor authentication, users will be further updated on further information on multi factor authentication and its implementation plans that include tools, timelines, pilots rollouts.

Users requiring further information on MFA should visit the USP Moodle web page that have relevant information  or contact the USP Contact Center at 3232117 or email

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