USP Network Services
USP staff and students can use the wired and wireless network to access the University’s corporate systems, intranet-based resources and the internet. Access to these services requires a valid USP User ID and password
Network Services is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the data (Wired and WiFi) networks, which includes the underground fiber, satellite network, leased terrestrial links, wiring for the data network in each building and networking equipment.
Network Services is also responsible for the design and implementation of data network in new construction as well as renovations to existing facilities.
Other services include:
- Providing and maintaining the university’s connection to the Internet, and remote access services.
- Operating the USPNet wide area network that ties together the regional campuses and a number of other remote sites that are affiliated with the university.
The University’s connection to the Internet is provided by AARNET. The network service monitors this connection and liaises with the AARNET helpdesk in the event of any issues. The service also liaises with AARNET regarding network links to other universities and future service enhancements.
Wireless Network
The wireless network service allows USP users the freedom to make use of Wi-Fi® enabled devices to connect to the Internet without needing to plug in a cable. Wireless connections are offered to:
- Staff and Students
- Guests
More information about our wireless services can be found on our Wireless Services Page.
Note: All usage is subject to the IT Acceptable Use Policy, and must be for appropriate and legitimate purposes. Breaches of the policy will be investigated.