
Hindi Studies

At USP, we offer Hindi courses for credit to both beginners and fluent speakers. Our Hindi Studies programmes are supported by the Government of India.

Complete beginner?

Fluent speaker of Hindi?

For beginners, we offer:

HN101: Conversational Hindi

Offered face-to-face at Laucala

Join this class for an introduction to Hindi – a major language of Fiji as well as one of the five most widely spoken languages in the globe today.

Knowledge of the language could really boost your CV, as well as opening up a whole new aspect of life and culture in Fiji.

You can take this course as an elective in any programme or as part of a major in Pacific Language Studies.

For fluent Hindi speakers, we offer:

A Diploma, BA, BEd or BAGCED with a major in Pacific Vernacular Language (Hindi Studies). You can also take any of the Hindi Studies courses as electives, or as part of a degree in Pacific Language Studies.

The courses below are open to students at all campuses.

Please note that these courses are taught through the medium of Hindi, so proficiency in the language is essential.

HN111: Introduction to Hindi
HN121: Introduction to Hindi Literature
HN211: Varieties of Hindi
HN212: The Teaching of Hindi
HN221: Hindi Prose Fiction
HN321: Culture, Literature and Language
HN331: Cultural Studies

For further information, please email the Coordinator for Linguistics and Languages.

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