Vagahau Niue

Fakaalofa lahi atu!

Programmes in Vagahau Niue


NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331Diploma
UU100, UU114, LN111, LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331, plus 2 courses from LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 and LN319Major in a BA with double major
LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331, plus 1 course from LN111, LN211, LN216, LN311, LN317 or LN319.

Minor in a BA
NU111, NU131, NU211, plus 1 course from NU212, NU311, NU331

Teaching subject in a BEd or BAGCED
LN111, LN118, NU111, NU131, NU211, NU212, NU311, NU331

BA Pacific Language Studies
LN118, LN216, LN317, NU111, NU131, NU211, plus 2 of NU212, NU311, NU331



NU111  Vagahau Niue 1

NU131  Taoga Niue

NU211  Vagahau Niue 2

NU212  The Teaching of Vagahau Niue

NU311  Vagahau Niue Translation and Interpreting

NU331  Niue in its Contemporary Context

These courses will not run every year. Please contact Niue Campus if you are interested in joining the next cohort.

Courses with an NU code are taught in Vagahau Niue. They are offered face-to-face at the Niue Campus. All other courses come from the Linguistics programme and are offered both online (all campuses) and face-to-face (Laucala). You can find out more about them on the Study Linguistics pages.

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