
Welcome to the insurance part of our site.

We have several insurance policies. They fall into the following broad categories:

  • Property insurance policies: These policies cover items like buildings, equipment and money.
  • Liability insurance policies: These cover a wide variety of things. Examples include injuries, accidents and meeting legal costs.
  • Travel-related insurance policies: These cover our motor vehicles and travel on university business.
  • Personal incident-related insurance policies: These cover worker’s compensation and personal accident.

Our section arranges insurance cover across all campuses for everything except:

  • The USP medical scheme: Please refer to the HR website for details about the medical scheme.
  • The student health insurance scheme: Please refer to the Campus Life website for details.

Our section does the following:

  • The annual renewal of insurance policies.
  • Liaising with our insurance brokers.
  • Arranging additional insurance cover when required.
  • Handling the administration of all claims except those for worker’s compensation. This is handled by Human Resources.
  • Giving general advice, information and conducting awareness sessions about our policies.

You will find explanations about all our insurance policies in this part of the site. A brief outline of the coverage is given in the table below. More detailed information is available under each policy.

You’ll also find self-assessment guides for risks covered by specific policies in this part of the site. We’ve developed these with input from members of the university community and other sources. These will help you to manage certain risks and reduce the possibility of loss. This will also assist in:

  • Developing good procedures for certain types of activities and events.
  • Keeping insurance costs under control and reducing the number of claims.

We are often asked how these policies cover our students. You will find a link below that gives you information about this.

We hope you find the material useful and informative. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact us at ac(at)

Director of Assurance and Compliance



Certificates of currency

These show the policy cover for some of our insurance policies.


Property insurance

This covers damage to our buildings and other property, fixtures and fittings.

Business interruption

This policy provides financial assistance in case we are hit by a major disaster like a tsunami.

All Risks

This covers losses for items owned by the university such as portable attractive items such as laptops, cameras and specific research equipment.


This covers losses.

Marine Hull

This covers loss and damage to our fleet of boats.

Marine Cargo

This covers potential losses of property whilst it is being transported by sea.


This provides cover against forcible entry to steal university property.


General Liability

This gives protection against claims brought by third parties for injury and/or damage where the University may be held legally liable.

Professional Indemnity

This covers university staff and students. It is against claims made over advice given while acting in an official USP capacity.


USP Motor Vehicle 

This gives details of our cover for USP- owned vehicles, trailers and other equipment required to be registered by government regulations.

International Travel

This covers travel outside of your country of residence on USP- approved business and activities.  It is very important for travellers to read the online documents. Please ensure you are aware of the scope of the cover and the associated travel procedures.


Workers Compensation

This policy provides cover in case of accidents to staff in the course of their normal duties. Claims are administered by the HR team.

Personal Accident

This policy covers particular losses in cases of serious injuries or worse at work.

 Insurance cover and students

Student Cover

For registered USP students. They must be engaged in activities related to their studies that are authorised by the University.

Date Reviewed: 24-Feb-2021

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