Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy


Welcome to the Professional Indemnity page of our site. This provides a brief outline of the cover we have under this policy.

What does the policy cover?

This policy covers USP for claims against it for breach of professional duty. This could be for a negligent act, error or omission by University staff and students. The activity must be University approved learning and teaching, research or consultancy. The cover is worldwide.

Why do we need this insurance? It basically covers USP against any wrongful advice given in the course of approved business.

What is the policy cover?

Limit of Liability


10,000,000 FJD any one occurrence and 20,000,000 FJD in the annual aggregate. (inclusive of costs and expenses)

  • 10,000 FJD each and every claim incurred worldwide excluding USA/Canada.
  • 50,000 FJD each and every claim incurred in USA/Canada.

Students must be supervised by qualified and experienced staff or academics. All advice and information to be provided by students needs to be reviewed and signed off by qualified persons.

Reporting incidents

Allegations which may give rise to a potential claim must be reported to the Risk and insurance Unit immediately. Our insurers need to be advised of any potential claims as soon as possible. Delays in advising insurers can lead to claims being denied. Date Reviewed: 02-January-2020

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