Dr. Narendra Prasad
Dr. Narendra Prasad commenced his career as a full-time academic at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in August 2008. He has achieved the following qualifications:
- 2018: PhD from University of the South Pacific
- 2008: MCom from University of the South Pacific
- 1994: BA (Economics) from University of the South Pacific
- 1989: Diploma in Teaching from Lautoka Teachers’
College, now Fiji National University.
Before joining management and public administration discipline at the USP, Narendra taught and worked at the following institutions.
- Teacher Primary – 4 years
- Teacher Secondary -11 years, being periodically seconded to the school counsellor’s positions, head of department commerce and national Year 12 and 13 Economics examiner.
- Lecturer in Economics and Management at the Fiji Institute of Technology, now Fiji National University (3 years).
Research interests
- Human resource management
- High-performance work systems
- Organizational change and development
Narendra’s research focuses on measuring the effectiveness of high-performance work systems policies and practices on organizational performance. He also investigates the impact of human resource elements on employee attitudes and behaviours.
Teaching Interests
Human resource management
Organizational behaviour
Industrial relations
Organizational change and development
Contact details
Room Falekau 102A, Laucala Bay Campus, Suva, Fiji.
Email: Prasad_na@usp.ac.fj
Telephone: +679 323 2150
Address: Management and Public Administration discipline,
School of Business management
Laucala Bay Campus
Suva, Fiji.