
PHD Student

Thesis title:

The Politics of Public Participation in Public Policy Making in Solomon Islands


The research will examine public participation in public policy making in Solomon Islands in the post-independence period (1978 – 1998) and in the post-intervention period (2003 to the present). The research problem is that public participation in these periods has been dictated by the government, the bureaucracy, business, international organisations and technical experts and consultants. So, public participation has largely been symbolic. The research will explore this hypothesis. To do so, the process of constitutional review and reform in Solomon Islands is chosen as case study. The topic is chosen due to its currency and more so because it has spanned the periods from post-independence to post-intervention.

Masters Students:

Evia Tavanavanua


The Employment Relations Promulgation (ERP) implemented by Bainimarama’s interim government in 2007, was the culmination of ten years of labour policy formulation, initiated by Qarase’s Soqosoqo ni Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL) government in 1996.  It supplanted the former Trade Dispute Act which was implemented by Ratu Mara’s Alliance government in 1973.  Subsequently, four amendments were made to the ERP in 2009, 2010, 2015 and 2016.  The proposed thesis will used a mixed method approach to analyse the implications of the Employment Relations Promulgation 2007, and its Amendments up to 2016, on key stakeholders including employees and trade unions, employers and the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation, and the state; the facilitation of tripartism in labour policy formulation; and devise a framework for equitable participation in labour policy by the key stakeholders of industrial relations in Fiji.

Are Wakowako


The cooperative Industry in Fiji has been declining for the last three decades.  In its prime, there were 600 cooperatives (in Fiji) employing some 850 people both directly and indirectly not including members who benefit from the profits derived from the enterprise.  There has been no scholarly in-depth study on cooperatives in Fiji so far and this study is timely.  There is an urgent need to examine the trend of stagnation and failure of the cooperative sector and re-establish the industry as an engine for growth and employment creation in Fiji.  It is imperative that the industry explores new bases to establish viable cooperative projects as alternative business enterprises.  The process must be a subject of a thorough diagnostic process to establish the root causes behind the failure of many cooperatives in Fiji with the view to developing new strategies to reinvigorate the movement.  Problems such as local co-op structures, governance, member benefits, support services, policies and legislation need to be analysed.  In light of modern best practices that have successfully evolved various global cooperatives, the survival of this locally dormant sector is at stake.  The urgency to adapt suitable cooperative models which can be modified for Fiji that have been successful in other countries is critical.  Industry players need to prioritize strategic industries using resource based approach in areas like renewable energy, health coops, insurance, education and housing cooperatives to mention a few is long overdue if this ailing movement is to survive in a liberalized market oriented economy. 


Tuma Greig


The citizens of Fiji have access to a national health system that delivers high quality health services irrespective of one’s race, sex, creed, color or socio-economic status (Government of Fiji, 2006). Jerety (2008) highlights that 70-80 % of Fiji’s population have access to health care, however only 40% have access to quality health care.   According to UNDP (2006), Fiji’s health system is considered to be the most complex and developed among the island countries and has undergone tremendous changes over the past two decades. Health services have come under the limelight with many pacific island countries considered not capable to cater for the demands for better health services.   Health sector reforms according to Berman(2000) is defined as the purposeful and fundamental changes that are intended to improve the performance of the sector in terms of efficiency, equity and effectiveness.  The central theme of reform echoed sentiments of wanting to reform the health division in terms of human resource capacity, increase management responsibilities, financial capacity and decentralization (Mohammed, North & Ashton, 2016).   The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of decentralization in terms of patient /client satisfaction of services provided in the various health centers in the central division, Fiji.   This research can be used by the government and various international agencies to develop policies based on results of patient evaluation as a guide to formulate strategies, reduce costs, improve decision making and meet patients’ expectations. In addition the evaluation report can help monitor healthcare performance of projects that have been implemented and also help benchmark health services across the board.

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