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The University of the South Pacific is working with students to ensure that they are provided with the right tools to maximise learning and graduate from their programme when pursuing their studies remotely.
USP has a dynamic Information Technology and Communications structure and processes to ensure effective online learning and teaching resources for its staff and students. Students access learning resources via the USP online learning platform, Moodle.
Such technological support has made it possible for Labasa Campus student Lavinia Magitivi to continue her studies at USP despite being remotely located on Rabi Island. She is working as a teacher in Rabi and had managed to complete her Bachelor of Science , Graduate Certificate in Education, in 2010 via blended mode. She is now pursuing a Post-Graduate programme in Education via online mode.
She said continuing with her studies has been challenging due to limited access to devices with slow and unreliable internet connectivity. However, the remote learning tools and support provided by USP had made a big difference. She has been able to continue learning remotely. Lavinia said “While there are challenges on the path of education, if the heart is willing, all else becomes a possibility.”
The Savusavu Centre staff have supported her in accessing learning materials like having her Offline Print Packages ready for her, to ensure that she copes with her studies while been on the island.
“It is now a new norm that I have learnt to manoeuvre and it has not dampened my spirits to complete my studies,” she added.
The USP Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) provides online student support and course-specific resources and guides to assist students with online learning. Students can access these resources through Moodle.
Students who may have difficulty accessing the USP Moodle course shell or any other issues that could prevent them from continuing their studies have been advised to contact the USP’s Call Centre on 3231444 or 1568 for Digicel and Telecom users. Updated information is continually provided via email, through the USP website at or on the USP social media pages.