Mr Paula Raqeukai
Career summary
Mr Paula D. Raqeukai has a BA (LMD) (1990) from USP, a PG Dip. Bus. (Property) (2000) and a Master of Business (Property) (2012) from the University of South Australia, and a PG Certificate of Commerce (Land Economics) (2021) from Lincoln University (New Zealand). Mr Raqeukai is a Land Management and Land Economist by profession with over 30 years of industry experience, including 12 years as an academic at USP and a year as Land Economics Tutor at Lincoln University, New Zealand (2021). He is also a registered valuer in Fiji (RV No. 75), member of the Fiji Institute of Valuation & Estate Management, and graduate member of the Australian Property Institute. Mr Raqeukai is undertaking his PhD with Lincoln University (Christchurch, NZ) on the topic of “The compensation valuation approaches of ecosystem services and biodiversity of customary land adjoining foreshore and inshore fishing grounds (iQoliQoli) in Fiji: Indigenous Cultural Values in Fiji”.
Mr Raqeukai is the course coordinator for Property Development (LM312) in semester 1 and Applied Valuation (LM313) in semester 2. Please refer to the USP Handbook and Calendar 2022 for further details about these courses.
Research interests
- Feasibility development studies and valuations of residential, commercial, hotel and retirement accommodation for Integrated Tourism Development in Fiji;
- The impact of ALTA legislation to the real economic land values of customary land tenure in Fiji;
- Valuation of non-market environmental goods and services including Indigenous cultural values;
- The modelling of the stated preference non-market valuation approaches to determine Indigenous cultural values in Fiji;
- Modelling Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) in the valuation of costs and benefits of non-market customary land values in Fiji;
- Exploring the Tokatoka/Mataqali Land-Trust Model to sustain the socio-economic livelihood of the Indigenous Fijian community; and
- The “Vakavanua” property market study analysis on customary land in Fiji: Case study on Mataqali Nawavatu Land, Tacirua, Naitasiri.
Conference Papers/Presentations
The compensation valuation approaches of ecosystem services and biodiversity of customary adjoining foreshore & inshore fishing grounds (iQoliQoli) in Fiji: Indigenous Cultural Values in Fiji. Talanoa at the Fijian Research Symposium NZ, Commemorate Fiji’s 50th Years of Independence on 7th October, 2020 at Auckland Institute of Technology, Auckland, NZ.
The inventory and valuation of customary land resources in Fiji: Case study on Naitaleira village, Dawasamu, Northern Tailevu 2013 (Phase II). Presented at the 4th Fiji Institute of Valuers & Estate Management (FIVEM) Conference, Natadola Hotel, Nadroga, 14th November, 2013: