Pacific Collection
The Pacific Collection of The University of the South Pacific Library is a special collection of library materials both published and unpublished pertaining to the Pacific. It is a closed access collection of items housed in a controlled temperature environment with a reading room for users. Current and old materials with no restrictions placed on format or type are collected from all over the world.
The Pacific Collection contains materials focusing on one or more of the following Pacific islands or its people .
Countries covered include:
American Samoa Cook Islands Easter Island Federated States of Micronesia Fiji French Polynesia Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands |
Nauru New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Palau Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Island Samoa |
Solomon Islands Tokelau Tonga Torres Strait Islands Tuvalu Vanuatu Wallis & Futuna West Papua
The collection also has items relating to the Australian Aborigines, Hawaiians, New Zealand Maoris, Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Island communities living outside the region.
Types of Resources
The Collection of more than 70,000 titles includes the following types of works:
- books
- serial titles including journals, magazines and newspapers
- theses
- consultancy reports and government documents
- conference and symposia proceedings
- reprints
- audiovisuals including sound recordings and microforms
- maps, posters, photographs and ephemera
- materials for archival and preservation purposes
The records of these resources are searchable via the USP Library Catalogue
Terms of Use
- All users must have a valid USP library borrower card
- Users must present the call number of the item to staff at the Pacific Collection issue desk who will retrieve the item from the collection
- Pacific Collection materials may only be used in the Pacific Collection reading room by the person to whom they are issued.
- Only one item which may include a locker key will be issued at a time
- An item is issued for a three hour period which may be renewed
In the interest of preservation and conservation, users are encouraged to use second copies of Pacific-related material held in other collections of the Library.
USP academic staff, postgraduate students and other persons as approved by the University Librarian may browse the collection. Please enquire at the Pacific Collection issue desk.
Issues and Loans
- The Pacific Collection has its own issue desk and reading area.
- As a closed collection, only one material may be issued at a time for a three hour loan period and all materials must be used only within the reading area.
- Users must present a valid library borrower card to access this special collection.
The Pacific Collection issue desk complements the Information Desk located on Level B by providing reference service.
Queries can also be emailed to
Photocopying and Scanning
Pacific Collection users may utilise the self-service MFD (multi-functional device) located in the Pacific Collection reading area to print, photocopy, or scan documents, in accordance with the Fiji Copyright Act, 1999
The MFD is defaulted to print on an A4 sized paper at a rate of $0.10 per page.
The library also has an in-house photocopy service and enquiries are welcome at the Pacific Collection issue desk.
For preservation purposes, some materials such as those published prior to 1940 may not be available for photocopying by the user. In such cases, please refer to staff at the Pacific Collection.
Lockers are provided for patrons’ bags and access is linked to the loan and return of each Pacific Collection item.
USP Library serves as a depository library for Fiji with the stated purpose of preserving the nation’s cultural and intellectual heritage. It is mandated to receive a copy, free of charge, of everything published in the country as required by the Libraries (Deposit of Books) Act (1972). Materials received under this Act are added to the Pacific Collection where they may be borrowed according to the rules of the Collection.
Please send or deliver deposit copies of publications to:
Librarian – Pacific Collection
USP Library, Laucala Campus, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji
- Tel. : +679 323 2285; +679 323 2380
- Fax : +679 323 1528
- Email :
The ISBN (Regional International Standard Book Number) Agency for the South Pacific is located at USP Library in Suva, Fiji. It is responsible for allocating ISBNs to publications that are published in the South Pacific region.
An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique number for the identification of books, which is used whenever books need to be recorded or communicated. This unique number can be used to identify books in orders, stock control and library systems. It simplifies processing of book orders and receipts.
An ISBN should be given to printed books and pamphlets with more than four pages, microform publications, computer software, and multimedia kits containing printed material, books on CD/cassettes and maps.
An ISBN should be assigned the first time a book is published. A separate ISBN must be assigned to every edition of a book, but not to an unchanged reprint of the same book by the same publisher. If the reprint is by a different publisher and the original is under copyright, permission in writing from the original publisher has to be provided with the ISBN request.
ISBNs are usually printed on the back of the title page or in another prominent position on the book.
An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique number which is used to identify a serial title. A serial is a publication whose component parts are published successively under the same title for a period of time. Examples are magazines, journals and newspapers.
An ISSN can be assigned to a serial publication in any format, whether it is printed or in any other medium, e.g. CD-Rom, online, etc.
If you would like an ISSN for your serial, you will need to contact the International ISSN Centre in Paris, as there in no ISSN Centre for the South Pacific.
Please send your request with a copy of the cover, title page and masthead of the serial to:
International ISSN Centre
20 Rue Bachaumont
75002 Paris
Tel: (33 1) 44 88 22 20
Fax: (33 1) 40 26 32 43
Cataloguing-in-Publication data is the standard internationally recognised description of a book which is usually found on the reverse of the title page.
CiP helps advertise your book, increase sales, and because it is internationally accepted, it can be used in publishers’ catalogues, publicity leaflets, and bibliographies.
- Copy of the title page and the reverse of the title page
- Table of contents page
- Name of the author (editor, compiler, etc.)
- Title and subtitle
- Place, publisher and date of publication
- Total number of pages and illustrations (if any)
- Height and width of material(s) in millimeters.
- Series (if any)
- Bibliography (give page numbers)
- Keywords/subject terms (if possible) or a short description of the book’s topic
Allow five working days for processing. Both the ISBN and CiP service is available free-of-charge. However, we would like to receive a complimentary copy of the publication for the Pacific Collection.
The Librarian (Cataloguing)
The University of the South Pacific Library
Suva, Fiji
Tel: +679 323 2285
Fax: +679 323 1528
Use the following forms to make requests to library staff:
The Pacific Collection currently has over 1,300 Pacific-related theses, with over two-thirds authored by USP students. The records are searchable via the USP Library Catalogue and the List of Theses. A growing number of theses are available full-text via the USP theses portal
Thesis writing candidates wishing to know more about submission guidelines are strongly encouraged to refer to the Thesis Guide.
This unique collection brings together original research about the Pacific islands, its people and the environment written by Pacific islanders and non Pacific islanders. The works help facilitate:
- the research and study needs of staff, students and researchers at USP
- the information needs of international and pacific scholars whose scope of study pertain to the Pacific region.
Available in digitized format, are the theses of authors who have given permission for public access to their work. Included in this collection are works that range from 1970’s to the current year.
The USP Library has obtained authority from the authors to make their theses available in this collection. All theses in this collection are protected under the Fiji Copyright Act 1999. Any person wishing to use, transmit, download, or print material from this site for the purposes of research, education or non-profit activities may do so in accordance with the provisions of that Act. Use for commercial purposes is prohibited. When using copyright material, users must acknowledge the source.
If you are the copyright owner of any material included in this collection and disapprove public access to your work, please contact Gwen Rounds, University of the South Pacific, Suva Fiji, Tel (679) 323-2251 or email or
Use the following downloadable documents to learn how to format and submit your thesis to the USP Library:
- A4 $1.50
- A3 $3.50
Type of Binding | Size | Charges ($FJD) |
Full binding A4 size, gluing | to 2.5cm thick
>2.5cm gold printing |
$2.10 per cm $0.20 per letter |
Full binding A4 size with velo,
sewing |
to 2.5cm thick
> 2.5cm gold printing |
$2.10 per cm $0.20 per letter |
Full binding A5 size, gluing | to 2.5cm thick
> 2.5cm thick gold printing |
$2.10 per cm $0.20 per letter |
Full binding A5 size, sewing | to 2.5cm thick
> 2.5cm thick gold printing |
$2.10 per cm $0.20 per letter |
Stiffening, A4 size | to 2.5cm thick
> 2.5cm thick |
$2.10 per cm |
Stiffening, A5 size | to 2.5cm thick
>2.5cm thick |
$2.10 per cm |
Stiffening of paperback cover | $9.77 | |
Gluing, A4 size | to 2.5cm thick | $15.80 |
Gluing, A4 size
without sewing |
to 2.5cm thick
> 2.5cm thick |
$2.10 per cm |
Gluing, A5 size | to 2.5cm thick
>2.5cm thick |
$2.10 per cm |
Stapling & Stripping |
$4.16 |
Ring binding, A4 size | 0.5cm ring width
1.0cm 1.5cm 1.0″ |
$5.72 $6.24 $7.28 |
Velobinding | plastic covers (front & back)
1 plastic cover (front) & 1 manila cover 2 manila covers |
$8.58 $7.33 |
Repairing | Repairing of loose pages (<10 p.)
wraparound sewing wraparound gluing |
$12.27 $11.02 |