Renewals, reservations. Fines and Fees

Online renewals

Provided your account has no outstanding fines and your books are not yet overdue you are able to renew your loans online.

The table below shows how many renewals you can make, depending upon your borrower type.

Students Five times
Staff and Post graduates Twice

There are a few exceptions to our renewals policy

Closed reserve items, laptops/headphones No renewals
Tablets Twice

The chart below shows how to do online renewals – note you will need the same log in details to place a reservation on an item.

Fines & Fees

To avoid being charged fines we advise you to return your items on time.  If you are unable to do this please contact the Reader Services Librarian – Services on as soon as possible to find out what to do next.

The library stamps or writes the due date on your items and in the case of general items we email a timely reminder before items are due advising borrowers to return or renew the item.  This is a courtesy and not a requirement on the library’s part.

General loan items
First day overdue FJD $1
Second day onwards FJD $0.50 per day
2hr loan items, Pacific Collection items FJD $1 per hour

Regional library users: contact campus/centre library for information on fines.


Lost or damaged items

Any items that are late by 30 days or more are classed as long overdue automatically marked as lost on our system.  At this point the current cost of the item plus a FJD$30 processing fee per item will be added to the borrower’s record.

If an item is lost or damaged (and not long overdue) again we charge the current cost of the item plus a FJD$30 processing fee per item.

Please try and resolve these issues as soon as they occur as a hold is placed on your student record.  This may prevent you from re-registering/graduating or accessing other USP services.

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