USP Members

Borrower Category Membership Period No. of items Loan period
USP Student Per Semester1 10 14 days
USP Postgraduate Student Per Academic Year 20 30 days
USP Staff Contract 20 90 days
Visiting Academic2 As specified 20 90 days

USP members can borrow 1 x course textbook for 2 hours.


  1. or duration of summer school
  2. Approval via letter or email from Head of School


External Membership

Borrower Category Fee ($FJD) Membership Period No. of items Loan period
Visitor – Pacific collection, Laucala $30 1-10 consecutive days Reference only access
External borrower 1 $65 Five years 1 14 days
External borrower 5 $245 Five years 5 14 days
Alumni 1 $50 Five years 1 14 days
Alumni 5 $200 Five years 5 14 days
Institution3 One year 10 30 days


  1. Membership requirements:
    • Individuals must fill out a library membership application card, available from the Information Desk
    • Supply photo identification
    • A passport size photograph
    • Prepayment is also required
  2. All non-USP Libraries in the [USP] region. One card per library for Pacific Collection (Laucala) and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) use
  3. 7th formers (Year 13) are allowed to use the Library on request from their Principal to the Reader Service Librarian (RSL) at a  prearranged time and not during study , exam weeks or mid-semester breaks. If the arrangement is approved, 7th formers, must be accompanied by a teacher (small group of no more than 10) and  may browse and use the general print collection only within the time set. This visit could lead to ILL on the day and must be arranged between RS Senior Library Assistant (SLA) and the Teacher accompanying the students. Please refer to Appendix I for the letter from MoE in 2003 and the Education Gazette notice for staff  information and especially staff who are at desks/entrance/exit.
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