Search@USP Library Overview

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What is it? USP Library’s new discovery tool allows you to search for everything we hold and subscribe to through one user friendly interface

How do I use it?  Visit your campus library for a short tutorial demonstrating its main features

Why use it?  Our new search tool will better help you locate what you want and quicker.  As well as searching the catalogue for books, most of our databases can be searched simultaneously.  No more going to ProQuest only to find it doesn’t have the full-text version and then placing a request.  Statistics show that 7 times out of 10 the library does hold what you’re looking for, but it was on a different database.  Also our new system now unifies the regional libraries as Search@USP Library searches all of our campus and centre libraries.

Why not just use Google?  Google often promises much and delivers little.  You find the perfect article but you have to pay for access.  Search@USP Library provides you with access to everything that your tuition fees have paid for.  Also the content is highly credible and often has been peer reviewed

Can I get help to use it?  Yes. Simply ask at the information desk in your library for help or contact

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