- Career Planning Steps
- Identifying your skills
- How to identify the best career option available to you
- Making Decisions regarding your Career
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Vacancies in the Employment Market for Fiji
- How to Write a CV that is marketable to the Employer
- Words to use in your CV
- Sample Application Letter
- Tips for completing Job Application
- Successful Job Interviews
- Student Career Form
- Sample Interview Questions
- Mock Interview
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Employer Presentations and Employer Consultation Workshops
- Employment Vacancies
- Volunteerism and Community Development Initiatives
- Internship Placements and Attachments
- Self Employment
- Career Planning Steps
- Identifying your skills
- How to identify the best career option available to you
- Making Decisions regarding your Career
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Vacancies in the Employment Market for Fiji
- How to Write a CV that is marketable to the Employer
- Words to use in your CV
- Sample Application Letter
- Tips for completing Job Application
- Successful Job Interviews
- Student Career Form
- Sample Interview Questions
- Mock Interview
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Employer Presentations and Employer Consultation Workshops
- Employment Vacancies
- Volunteerism and Community Development Initiatives
- Internship Placements and Attachments
- Self Employment
Identifying your skills
There are many types of work that are out there so having the required skills to do the required job is a very important attribute that a person must have. There are many types of skills that employers always look out for. Specialized skills are skills that a person may specialize in like,
· Medical skills
· Computer Programming skills
· Technical based skills
Then there are skills that you may have learnt through the years which could be utilized well in your new job. The skills that you transfer from your past experiences are often referred to as transferable skills and few of these skills are listed below
· Community based skills
· Socializing skills
· Interpersonal skills
· Liaison skills
· Communication skills
· Mediation skills
· Computer and numeracy skills
So when you are writing your application letter try to be as concrete as possible and justify those skills by having real life examples in your letter of application and applying those skills where necessary. Employers are always looking out real life experiences. When employers advertise their vacancies they nearly always include the above requirements in their advertisements which applicants must have.