- Career Planning Steps
- Identifying your skills
- How to identify the best career option available to you
- Making Decisions regarding your Career
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Vacancies in the Employment Market for Fiji
- How to Write a CV that is marketable to the Employer
- Words to use in your CV
- Sample Application Letter
- Tips for completing Job Application
- Successful Job Interviews
- Student Career Form
- Sample Interview Questions
- Mock Interview
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Employer Presentations and Employer Consultation Workshops
- Employment Vacancies
- Volunteerism and Community Development Initiatives
- Internship Placements and Attachments
- Self Employment
- Career Planning Steps
- Identifying your skills
- How to identify the best career option available to you
- Making Decisions regarding your Career
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Vacancies in the Employment Market for Fiji
- How to Write a CV that is marketable to the Employer
- Words to use in your CV
- Sample Application Letter
- Tips for completing Job Application
- Successful Job Interviews
- Student Career Form
- Sample Interview Questions
- Mock Interview
- Career Workshops Career Expositions and Career Fairs
- Employer Presentations and Employer Consultation Workshops
- Employment Vacancies
- Volunteerism and Community Development Initiatives
- Internship Placements and Attachments
- Self Employment
Vacancies in the Employment Market for Fiji
The USP Career and Center has an online portal page for this purpose. In this site students will need to log into the site and request for membership where they will be given approval to view the vacancies that are uploaded onto the site on a daily basis and provided with the opportunity to apply for these vacancies. Of course the USP Career Centre will also assist in this regard particularly assisting students with their application letters and helping them with their CV.
Please log into the USP Career hub by clicking on the link careerhub.usp.ac.fj and access the many employment vacancies which are updated onto the site on a daily basis.