Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Social Policy & Administration)

On successful completion of this programme, graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Social Policy Analysis: Critically analyse issues, actors, practices, and processes relevant to social policy formulation, implementation and administration in Pacific Island societies and cultures by applying the principles, theories, and concepts of social policy, development, and administration.
  2. Social Policy and Development Research: Design social policy research, supported by relevant methods and methodologies that are informed by ethical, contextual, and reflexive considerations, to analyse social issues, practices, and policies in Pacific Island societies.
  3. Sociological Methodologies: Evaluate the epistemological and political value and challenges of critical methodologies (including feminist, indigenous) to mainstream (both quantitative and qualitative) methodologies.
  4. Critical Scholarship: Critically evaluate responses to poverty, inequality, social displacement, and other social development challenges in Pacific Island Societies utilizing theories of development, social policy, and social movements.
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