Bachelor of Arts (Pacific Vernacular Languages)

Bachelor of Arts (Pacific Vernacular Languages)- Hindi

On successful completion of this programme, graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Develop a sound knowledge of the phonological, morphological and syntactical structure of the Hindi language;
  2. Critically evaluate the richness of Hindi literature in its various spoken and written forms;
  3. Establish an understanding of the emergence and development of Hindi language, literature and culture in Fiji.


Bachelor of Arts (Pacific Vernacular Languages)- Fijian

On successful completion of this programme, graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Comprehend the indigenous languages of Fiji, including their phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax and historical and continuing development;
  2. Evaluate the indigenous oral traditions and arts of Fiji, including those recorded in the past, and distinguish the genuine from the spurious;
  3. Critically analyse existing indigenous knowledge, customs and practices of Fiji, including those that have become obsolete and those that have developed more recently.
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