Bachelor of Arts (Technical & Vocational Education & Training)

The following programme graduate outcomes and rubrics are applicable to both the strands within this major, namely:

  • Technology Strand
  • Food and Nutrition Studies Strand


On successful completion of this programme, graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Apply critically core knowledge, theoretical principles, skills and competencies in TVET contexts in the Pacific;
  2. Apply legislation, policies, standards, and regulations that impact on work practices and environments at local, regional and global levels;
  3. Operate and maintain machinery, equipment and tools pertinent to their TVET context;
  4. ngage in research and enterprise activities demonstrating creativity and innovation;
  5. Collaborate effectively in learning and workplace contexts;
  6. Employ appropriate language and modes of communications including ICT in workplace and other contexts;
  7. Demonstrate high standards of ethical and professional conduct;
  8. Promote a safe and inclusive working environment.
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