Certificate in Teaching (Secondary)

On successful completion of this programme, graduates should be able to:

  1. Facilitate student learning through innovative curriculum design, pedagogies and reflective practice in secondary education settings;
  2. Apply a range of assessment strategies to promote and monitor student learning in secondary education settings;
  3. Employ theory- and research-informed approaches in learning, teaching, and assessment at the secondary level for Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and other contexts;
  4. Conduct research on learning and teaching at the secondary level in PICs and other contexts using a range of methodologies, approaches and methods;
  5. Promote safe, inclusive and quality secondary education, and lifelong learning for all;
  6. Use appropriate language and modes of communication including ICT to effectively engage secondary school learners in a range of contexts;
  7. Practise professional and ethical standards in secondary school teaching, scholarly and socio-cultural contexts;
  8. Promote collaborative approaches to educational decision-making and leadership within secondary schools, communities, and societies, at the local, regional and global levels (including global citizenship).
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